Business immigration to Europe Consultants ›› Immigration questions ›› What if my case will be refused?

What if my case will be refused?

What if my case will be refused?

In case of refusal, applicant will get a refusal letter in which is stated all details why he/she was refused. Depending on the refusal basis there are available two options. If you were refused by our fault - wrong, incorrect, missing or anything else relating with documents, then our company will refund applicant all amount (100%) that he/she has paid to us. And if the case was refused by applicant fault, like any criminal records, any bad records in Schengen area, forged passport details, couldn’t answer at the embassy questions (like where is Lithuania, what is the population of Lithuania) or any fault related to applicant, our organization won’t be able to give any refund.  

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European Commission Council of Europe European Migration Network Migration Policy Institute International Organization for Migration