A graduate of Jamaica intends to establish a business in Lithuania
Tue, 04.02.2014.
To offer for Lithuanian consumers and gourmands exotic traditional Caribbean food and drinks – this is a business plan of graduated in Lithuania young Jamaican woman . Her dreams about the life and business in the EU came true after study finish in Lithuania.According to acting Investors Forum representatives in Lithuania it is more difficult to overcome migration barriers in taking roots for aliens in our country and get European residency nor to attract potential investors and customers from abroad.
"There are a lot of spicy and tasty food which is suitable with coffee in Jamaica , so why not to introduce and suggest it to Lithuania people who like life and business in the EU? This is the core of my business idea , and Lithuania is a great business environment for young entrepreneurs like me . I admire that Lithuanians like coffee so much , " – says young Jamaican lady Keisha Ingram Laraine .
To start business in Lithuania were promoted by support from Jamaica. The national government encourages all projects in the country , which has been billed as Jamaican brand . Young businesswomanl hopes to enlarge this kind of business in the other Baltic countries.
According to Investors Forum representatives it is very difficult to small businesses from third countries to comply with all the Migration Office requirements in getting permanent residence in Europe.
Money-back guarantee
Long-term experience accumulated our experts are fully responsible for their quality of work and results. Good relationship with the Department of Immigration, Tax Inspectorate, the Social Insurance Inspectorate, Centre of Registers and other state and non-state institutions helps to ensure the highest quality services.
We do not operate in automatic machine principle and look deeper into the needs of each client. Whether it is business acquisitions, advice on migration, finance, accounting, or other issues - this is a unique process.
Only in this way we can ensure the highest quality services. Therefore, we provide our clients 100% money back guarantee if due to our fault you do not receive a temporary residence permit. We also guarantee that the company You will purchase has no debts or other liabilities. Our accounting services are insured, so if fees are wrong calculated, we or our insurance company will cover all losses.
Process time for a temporary residence permit for each country depends on that country's laws. Usually it takes 2-6 months. If you have additional questions, the Migration Department may extend length of the proceeding up to 3 months. The answer may be a negative if the client:
- Was deported;
- Punished for crime;
- Has records in the police department;
- Other negative entries of personal biography;
- The information about the client is false, untrue;
- Going to false immigration.
If it turns out that the negative response to the temporary residence permit is due to one of these reasons, we will not return your money.
If the client has a clean biography and correct data about him/her, but due to our fault do not receive a temporary residence permit, in this case within 30 days we will return 100% of his/her money and will not ask for any compensation concerning experienced costs.
Business acquisitions and start-up
All of our sales companies do not have any debts or obligations. If you buy a new company (without any history), the company has absolutely no bookkeeping records. If you are going to buy an existing company with a history of activity, in this case you will provide the company financial reports and you will be able to assess the Company's status. If after the acquisition of the company, there would be unforeseen events and it would be our fault, we will take all the responsibility on ourselves.
Accountancy services and consultations
We take full responsibility for the provision of accounting services. Our accountants have many years of experience, good skills in preparing various reports to the state institutions; also we provide representation during an inspection. We look very responsibly to our work that is why we insured our employees from the possible errors, so if fees are calculated wrongly, we or the insurance company will compensate them.