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Ferry disaster encourages the new view at migration policy in Europe

Mon, 16.12.2013.
Ferry disaster  encourages the new view at migration policy in Europe


One of the worst wrecks in the Mediterranean in several  years—a fishing ferry  that capsized off the Italian Lampedusa island last week, asserting the inhabits of over than 200 migrants from Africa —has reicause new  disputes across Europe over immigration.

Greece, Spain and Italy are the main gateways into Old Continent  for migrants from Africa and the Middle East—have long deplored that they are defending the EU's frontier and should get more help.

 Those  three European states accepted about half of the €1.8 billion the EU provided its then 27 members to help with border administration from 2007 to 2013. Still, that is just one-tenth, roughly, of what the Community  expended to subsidize farming products in 2012 solely.

 Greece has been pull aparted for being too slow to take up what European foundations are available, while both Athens and Rome are regularly lambasted by EU agents and human-rights assemblies for poor measures in management migrants and refugees.

 Over than 30,000 migrants have reached  Italy from Africa during  the  January to Septemberin  this year—a threefold leap on the number for the entire of 2012, according to Frontex, the EU border bureau.

In December appeared a new demand from European Commision to members from states of Central and East Europe to admit more nuber of migrants and share the burden with mentioned above states.

European Commission Council of Europe European Migration Network Migration Policy Institute International Organization for Migration