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Lithuania's jump - one of the 17 most business-favorable countries in the world,-shows "Doing Business" Survey

Mon, 04.11.2013.
Lithuania's jump - one of the 17 most business-favorable countries in the world,-shows

Today, on October 29th  2013  World Bank   published a study "Doing Business 2014 " , where evaluated  business conditions in 189 countries around the world . Lithuania from the 27 th place jumped to the 17th position . Comparing with the European Union Member States  Lithuania holds the 6th place. Lithuania managed to improve more than half of the "Doing Business " indicators .

„The World Bank study "Doing Business " has a significant impact on foreign investors of its attractiveness . Lithuania has hit in 10 of the top positions in business conditions, the obligation to reform less valued by the „Doing Business“ index - connection to the electricity network , the protection of investors and the payment of taxes , " - said the Minister of Economy Evaldas Gustas .

It should be noted that last year the World Bank calculated  185 countries by ranking, because of  the target data , methodology and counting this year for the first time evaluated in 4 countries - Libya, Myanmar , San Marino and South Sudan - a  total of 189 countries assessed .

Lithuania has made a huge progress in the field of business start-up from last year, " Doing Business 2013 " report indicates 107 space Lithuania jumped 96 positions up to 11th place . Construction permits in Lithuania rose from 48 to 39 , receiving credit - from 53 to 28 position in foreign trade - from 24 to 15th place . Investor protection index of Lithuania from 70 th to the 68, as well as tax ranking - from 60 to 56 position .

In "Doing Business 2014 " report,  assessed 189 countries,   Lithuania is aheading neighbouring states such as Latvia (24 place) and Estonia (22), Poland (45) , as well as the EU countries such as Germany (21) , the Netherlands (28) Belgium (36) , France (38).

During the research period of  2012 June - 2013 May  Lithuania has implemented a number of reforms in the business start-up and credit for areas that had a significant impact on the improvement of business conditions , while at the same time, Lithuania leap "Doing Business " ranking . This report was included in these reforms which  were not included in the earlier "Doing Business " reports.

Progress in  "Doing Business"  ranking is visible of a shorter construction permit length .

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