Lithuanian Temporary residence permit

Here you can find the latest available company list for sale. In this table you can find some basic information about each company like company name (UAB means LLC - Limited Liability Company), registration date (more older company is more expensive and more valuable), VAT registration number if Value added tax operations are required, share capital which mostly is the minimal allowed by the Lithuanian law 10’000LTL (2'898.55 EUR) if there is a wish to apply more than one person in the company for a temporary residence permit then each applicant has to own at least 50’000LTL (14'492.75 EUR) of share capital.


How many temporary residence permit do you want?

Company nameShare capitalDate of registrationRegistration cityVATPrice
Uniformis50 000,00 LTL2013-11-04Klaipėda-2 250,00 EUR
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Nanara200 000,00 LTL2013-10-04Šalčininkai-3 000,00 EUR
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Gonfera200 000,00 LTL2013-10-04Šalčininkai-3 000,00 EUR
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Unihorna50 000,00 LTL2013-10-07Šalčininkai-2 250,00 EUR
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Androlas60 000,00 LTL2013-07-29Vilnius-2 800,00 EUR
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Diaroma10 000,00 LTL2013-06-11Vilniaus r.-2 300,00 EUR
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Frein10 000,00 LTL2012-11-15Vilnius-2 600,00 EUR
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Aliku10 000,00 LTL2012-11-16Vilnius-2 600,00 EUR
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Rolgan10 000,00 LTL2013-02-13Vilnius-2 800,00 EUR

Company in perfect condition with minimum requirements. No history or any debts and liabilities.

ROADFUSE BALTIC10 000,00 LTL2013-01-23Kaunas-3 000,00 EUR

This company has perfect history and reviews. It was established since 2012-07-23, so it is not new, but already existing company in a very attractive Lithuanian city Kaunas, near the capital Vilnius and other main Lithuanian cities. As this company is old, it is very good because you can easier get credit from bank or other financial institutions.

North Telcom20 000,00 LTL2013-05-03Vilnius-2 500,00 EUR

Good, credible company with now history and excellent bookkeeping. 

MINIMA LT - neparduodama!10 000,00 LTL2014-06-13Vilnius-2 600,00 EUR
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Proten150 000,00 LTL2013-05-03Vilnius-3 000,00 EUR
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Pandora LT150 000,00 LTL2013-02-01Vilnius-3 050,00 EUR
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Relital10 000,00 LTL2012-11-15Vilnius-2 600,00 EUR
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Lanerona150 000,00 LTL2013-10-04Šalčininkai-3 200,00 EUR
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Kosmoso Valymo Paslaugos10 000,00 LTL2013-05-21Vilnius-2 300,00 EUR

Company with minimum investment. Excellent Enterprise at an affordable price. Moreover, this company has clear history.

Larian LT150 000,00 LTL2013-02-01Vilnius-3 210,00 EUR

Due to share capital of 150000 LTL, this company is more expensive. Such share capital will open you easier way to get credit or leasing. This company will be more attractive for investors. Moreover, it is the best decision, if there is a wish to apply more than one person in the company for a temporary residence permit.

Mervin50 000,00 LTL2013-04-08Vilnius-2 550,00 EUR
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